Create an occupational health member

– have extended rights
(see Switch to extended rights)

Reminder of the order of operations:

  1. Define the Member User Role
  2. Create Collaborators associated with the Role
  3. Link Collaborators to Members and assign them a role
  4. Create accounts for Collaborators

Create the Role

Roles define user profiles for the Quarks Safety database.

Quarks Services allows Occupational Health Services to give access to the database to some of their Members, provided they are linked to the role defined as below:

Applications Menu > Administration > Roles > Create

In the New Role form:

1. Fill in the name “Member User”

2. Assign specific permissions using the Yes/No checkboxes.
A tooltip appears when hovering over each permission.

3. Save

The list of main permissions created appears in the Roles List.

Create Member Access

Applications Menu > Administration > Collaborators > Create

In the Create a Collaborator form:

1. Fill in:

  • First name and Last name
  • Photo: it should be square format to display correctly.
  • Signature: it will be used to trace the creations and modifications of the user on the platform.
  • Language: determines the default version of the platform when the user logs in: French FR, English EN. By default, the platform takes the language of the user’s structure.
  • Active
  • Function: an assisted input field where typing the first letters displays a list of suggestions.
  • E-mail: the address will be used by the platform for all communications and alerts.
  • E-mail alerts: activate or deactivate e-mail alerts for this collaborator
  • Contact information

2. Save

Important: Quarks Service only allows one Member Collaborator per member company. It must be named Z-[Company Name]

Assigning a role to the Collaborator

When the new collaborator is registered, their card opens.
In the structure roles, link him to his company by assigning him the role Member User.

Create the Collaborator’s account

It is necessary to create an account for the collaborator to give him access to the Quarks Safety database.

1. Click on + Create an account on the Collaborator line

2. Fill in the username and password that the user will have to enter.

Important: the password must contain at least one capital letter and one number.

WARNING: Never grant extended rights access to a Member.

3. Save

Mis à jour le 24 October 2023

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