How do you prepare a plan for measuring VLEP?

– The set evaluation method is ND2233, with or without Evallourisk.
– Usage sheets must be in use (see Add-an-usage-method-inrs-nd2233)
– The Export of complete usagesoption must be activated.

Preamble :
The obligation to set up plans for measuring VLEP aims to protect workers’ health by ensuring that their exposure to hazardous substances remains below regulatory thresholds.

These plans must be carefully drawn up to ensure effective occupational risk management.
The content of a measurement plan begins with a risk assessment of the uses of the substances concerned by the ELVs.

Reminder of the order of operations:
1. Create usage sheets for products
2. Click on the Export for measurements button at the bottom of the list
N.B.: The content of the export is the result of the filters applied
3. Enter (if desired) the results of the VLEP measurements carried out.

To export measurements :

Applications > Chemical products > Risk analysis > Uses & risks > Export for measurements

Updated on 23 July 2024

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