Access the OEL via the product sheet

Display the List of Substances:
Applications Menu > Chemical products > Substances >
Known Substances

The list of substances displays all the information regarding the substances that make up the products in the inventory.

From the list of substances, when hovering over the word OEL (Occupational Exposure Limit) of the desired substance, a tooltip displays all the OEL values of that substance registered in our database.

Details about the database

1. Click on the designation of the desired substance to open its sheet.

2. General tab, Exposure Limit Values section:

The OELs are categorized by country according to regulations.

– OELs can be long-term (8h): OEL 8h

– And/or short-term (15 min): STEL (Short-Term Exposure Limit)

– In parentheses is their classification: Binding, Indicative, Non-regulatory.

Mis à jour le 24 October 2023

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