SDS administrative search criteria

The SDS search criteria are available in the search area under the Hazards section of the Product List:

Applications Menu > Chemical Products > Products

For each enabled option, the corresponding criterion is displayed in the search window.

  • SDS: Dropdown list. Age of the SDS, list of SDS without a date, list of products without SDS (with reason for absence)
  • SDS Verification: Dropdown list. Last verification date.
  • SDS Validation: Single choice. Identifies the SDS of product sheets validated by those with the right.
    The SDS Validation option must be activated
  • eSDS: Identifies the SDS with exposure scenarios.
    The Filter by available eSDS option must be activated

Advanced Search

– have extended rights
(see Switch to extended rights)

Display the SDS List:

Applications Menu > Chemical Products > Configuration > SDS

The SDS List has additional search criteria, independent of product sheets.

Each result line displays the actions that can be performed directly:

Extract content
Display the SDS as downloaded
Display information about the SDS in the panel
Edit information about the SDS
Delete the SDS

Mis à jour le 24 October 2023
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