How do I create and use a customized substance list?

– The Customized substance lists option must be activated
(see Activate an option).

To search from a predefined list of substances in the Product List, you can create a customized list.

Create a customized list

Applications menu > Chemicals > Substances> Customized lists

1. Click on Create a new list

2. Name the list

3. Save

4. Add the CAS numbers of the substances one by one with

Use the customized list

Applications menu > Chemicals > Substances > Known substances

1. Click on More filters

2. Select the list previously created in the Custom selector

3. Search

4. Click on Add all: if it doesn’t already exist, a Substances basket is created.

5. In the Product List, click on More filters and tick Filter with basket substances.

6. Search

Mis à jour le 23 July 2024

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