How do I activate or deactivate an option?

– extended rights
(see Upgrade to extended rights)

To view or modify options:
Applications menu > Administration > Advanced settings > Application options

When extended rights are enabled, they can also be accessed via :
User menu > User name > Options

To activate or deactivate an option, click on Activate or Deactivate in the right-hand column opposite the option.

When an option is not activated according to the default setting, the status label appears in bold.
Italicized text explains the purpose of the option.

Options are classified by theme:
Some options are only displayed after activation of specific modules or are reserved for technical support. The following list is not exhaustive.

Activate permissions management modules
Display shared account field
Select a name and service for shared accounts
Display external account field
Keep data between two sessions
Activate welcome messages
Autocomplete search to test an account
Allow automatic logins

Displays product alerts
Displays acknowledged product alerts
Displays alerts in product list

Basket on stock surveillance
Basket on product sheets
Basket on bottles
Basket on batches
Basket on uses
Basket on substances
Basket on locations

Multilingual / Multi-country
Shared product data sheets
Manual addition of user sheets
Display user groups in the product list
Display activities in the product list
Product confidentiality
Other designation / Keywords
Add a photo to the product
Product category – unique
Product categories – multiple
Show category(ies) in list
Finished products
UDS Product Category (PC)
ERP reference / Internal code – unique
ERP reference / Internal code – multiple
Display product UFI
Cell lines
Products suitable for food contact
Product hazard score
Product hazards on the dashboard
Benzene (% by weight)
Particle size
Products considered as alcohol
Products considered as solvents
Exposure scenario
General product PPE
Product use PPE additions
Factor of hardship at work
VOC content
Chemical family
Storage pressure
Referenced products
Association of product safety documents
Show remarks in list
Display update date in list
Display packaging
Filter by designation
Filter by manufacturer
Filter by storage/use location
Filter by physical state
Filter by raw formula
Filter by flash point
Filtering nanoparticles
Filter according to DSD regulations
Filter according to CLP regulations
Filter by safety advice
Filter by waste codes
Filter presence of GHS pictograms
Filter by transport regulations
Filter by hazardous chemicals
Filter by activity
Filter products in stock
The ability to capture a substance when creating a product
User column in product export
Export ADR
Simplified export
Duplicate product sheet
Displays the last evacuation date in the product list
Obligation to inform a manufacturer about a product
Obligation to enter a reference for a product
Obligation to enter a reference for a product with a downloader
Obligation to enter an internal code for a product
Obligation to provide information on the physical state of a product
Obligation to provide information on the appearance or particle size of a product
Repackaging labels
Repackaging labels without QR Code
Filter usage to Yes by default
Show groups in emergency export
Display automatic info under the product
Show category under product
Display INCI under the product
Show synonyms under the product
Seirich export in archive and xlsx format
Displays bath management information on the product sheet
Print repackaging labels from the basket
Uses identified by the manufacturer
Display chronic hazard labels
Occupational illnesses on products
Recovery of products whose manufacturer has an MSDS downloader
List of identical products
List of product equivalents
Filter immobile products
Stock monitoring filter

SDS analysis
SDS validation
Filter by available FDSE
Export SDS Vault
MSDS update alerts
SDS update alerts for hazard/composition changes only
Displays the quick MSDS search on the dashboard
The quick search for MSDSs on the dashboard is filtered by use.
Quick search for MSDSs on the dashboard is filtered by bottle codes
Statistics on SDS verification dates
SDS language in red if not in French
Add a reason for missing MSDSs
MSDS download history
SDS Manager returns a Quarks URL
SDS Manager for SDS extraction
Upload and tag an MSDS from another manufacturer
Enables notifications to MSDS binders

Show available prices for each product
Archiving formulas by project
Purchase references on product sheet
List of purchase references
Supplier and price on purchase references
Reference and price on compulsory purchase references
Container types
Order language management
Several currencies
Accounting category
File no.
Manufacturers available from one supplier
Demand by quantity
Requisition by purchase reference
Request for requirement with specification of use
Grade management in purchasing references
Gives visibility of all units in purchasing references
Managing packaging types for gases

GHS classification of substances
Simplified addition of the composition
Display a sticker with the CE number

Validation of new product requests
Addition of data sheet when requesting a new product
Enter distributor reference
Prohibited terms
Prohibited pictograms
Prohibited regulations
Critical terms
Critical pictograms
Critical regulations
Validation required for critical products only
Validation of critical products in 1st validation instead of 2nd
Enter supervisor’s email for critical products

Activate usage sheets
Allow multiple uses of the same activity for the same product
Products on trial
Show trial products in the list of uses
External products
UDS Technical Function (TF)
See product uses for other services
Enter authorized persons for each use
Enter other users for each use
Enter the frequency and quantity used for each new use
Enter the quantity stored for each new use
Enter activity for each new use
Record PPE for each new use
Enter EPC for each new use
Enter operating temperature for each new use
Obligation to enter an activity
Obligation to enter places of use
Obligation to enter the storage location
Obligation to seize storage sites
Enter annual consumption for each use
Attach a CMR non-substitution file
Single place of use per declared use
Multiple locations per declared use
Single storage location for each declared use
Multiple storage locations per declared use
Enter concentration instead of quantity to evaluate diluted products
Editing minicrud applications
Attach instruction sheets
History of simplified data sheets
Use description filter
Display the description of uses in the list

Frequency with duration
Risk analysis
Smileys on residual risks
Substance hazards
Danger scoreboard
Measuring VLEP
Extended activities – Job descriptions
Specific activities by structure
Specific group activities
Activity location
Activity validation
Breaking activities down into stages
VLEP in the activity module
Exposure potential captured by EPCs
Exposure potential captured by PPE
Potential individual exposure
Several potential individual exposures by product
Frequency of use on potential individual exposures
Capturing exposure levels by activity
Indicate whether the product will be reused the following year
Annual inventories
Inventories by building
Hide storage and consumption of past inventories
Enables annual inventory import with a
Consumption tonnage
Application of the 2% SEVESO rule by inventory line
Risk assessment – R&D method
Risk assessment – R&D method – Extended residual risk
Risk assessment – ND2233 method
Risk assessment – ND2233 Method – Fire/Environment
Risk assessment – ND2233 method – Evallourisk
Exposure declarations by activity
Restriction of activities involving CMR products
Procedure entry in activities
Individual exposure declarations
Restriction of EPCs to those described in the application part
Archiving activities
Action plans
Validity period for shares
Estimated and actual budgets for action plans
Action catalog
Gross shares
Driver specification in generic actions
Share class
Detailed action categories
VLEP measurement reports
Danger pictograms

Default PPE types by group
Inventory dates
CMR exposure declaration
Surface treatment
Moving and evacuation
Bottle movements
BA simplified sheets
Detailed formulation
Export formula composition
Automatic calculation of formulated product composition
Automatic calculation of the hazards of the formulated product
Describes the formulation for a given quantity of product
Product conformity certificate
Automatic calculation of expiry date to +5 years
Application access
Add a photo to PPE
Filter by PPE
Displaying stationary products on the dashboard
Shipping instructions
Categories by structure

Batch list” menu
Use of an internal batch code
Manufacturers’ batch numbers
Batch certificates
Addition of vials to stock from order lines
Batch production date
Management of grades in batches

Managing the quantity left in a bottle
Manage bottle opening dates
Reverse inventory
Use/reserve stock filter
Filter on lack of bottle location
Filter by physical state
Filtering old bottles
Location type filter
Filter by site
Budget accounts
Code customization
Label code generation in the form “TEAM::XXXX”.
Generation of label code prefixed with product designation
QRCode for bottles, including product and batch identifier
Quantity sampling in a vial
Adding quantity to a bottle
Visible vials from other groups can be modified
Visible flasks from other groups can be disposed of.
Visibility of other groups’ vial locations
Activate direct evacuation
Activate supervision of ICPE regimes at stock placement
Obligation to enter a manufacturer’s batch number for a stock entry
Requirement to enter an expiration date for a stock entry
Exporting soon-to-expire bottles
Filter by raw formula
Labeling mode
PDF export of labels
Quick scan menu to basket

Label format filter
Show owner on label
Display product name on label
Display part number and manufacturer on label
Display packaging on label
Display batch number on label
Display storage location on label
Display date of receipt on label
Display opening date on label
Display best-before date on label
Display the expiry date on the label
Display weight on label
Display simplified card number
Display internal code on label
Display CAS on label
Display GHS pictograms on the label
Display storage location breadcrumb trail
Display storage location code
Show storage location label
Large format label
Place the bottle code under the QRcode
Labels in small, medium or large formats
Labels in Dymo and Zebra formats
Direct label printing on zebra
Label bottles in MPDF

Customize labels with location codes
Use code for locations
Display location code
Temperature of storage locations
Autocompletion displaying location types
Headcount maximum
Maximum retention volume
Display total number of vials
Activate visibility restriction on locations
Export maximum annual stock per location
Do not display second selector if there are no sub-selectors.locations
Location labels
Activate registration of plans associated with locations
Types corresponding to usage locations
Types corresponding to storage locations

Batch label
Show product name on label
Show part number and manufacturer on label
Show expiration date on label
Show internal code on label

Stock management
Differentiation between usage stock and reserve stock
Stock variations
Mandatory service for stock monitoring
Mandatory group for stock monitoring
Zone-restricted stock monitoring
Maximum stock management
Minimum stock alert is only triggered if the quantity is strictly less
Replenishment alert

Substances and composition of products
Detailed substance
List of substances of products
Customized lists of substances
Substance search by similarity or substructure
Display the products concerned in the list of known substances
List of substance updates
Display the TLVs of all countries
ACGIH regulations for all countries
NTP regulations for all countries
Prop65 regulations for all countries

Regulatory watch alerts
Regulatory watch

Address of manufacturers and suppliers
In-house manufacturer
Critical manufacturer

Simplified safety data sheets
Simplified safety data sheets by use
Simplified safety data sheets by product
History of simplified data sheets
Downloading scans of simplified data sheets
Auto-incrementing the number of simplified data sheets
Pre-filling the simplified data sheet from the MSDS
Simplified safety data sheets by team

Using the scanner

Activate validation of new product uses
Activate product hazard levels
Download scans of approval sheets
Automatic withdrawal of approval when a use is modified
Prevent unapproved products from entering stock
Generate an approval request code
Alert validators only if they are responsible for the place of use

Consumables management module

Parent items for consumables
Link to purchase items on consumables
Displays emergency number
Displays SKUs in item list
Displays group filter in item list

Maximum stock
Minimum stock
Ideal stock
Location restriction
Replenishment alert

Activate the export creation module

Activate custom label module

Managing documentation

CMR pictogram display

Organization of structures and members for non-administrator profiles
Assign a code to structures
Assign a city to structures
Assign more detailed information on structures
Occupational health service
Manage currencies by service
Manage billing minimums by service

Validate the addition of members to groups
Assign a code to groups
Administrative attachment
Assign a referent collaborator
Filter by default on all groups
Budget line in the group file
Add an expiry date to groups

Activates the synchronized translation system
Backup language is English only

Mis à jour le 23 October 2024

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