– the Validation of new product requests option must be enabled.
(see Switch to extended rights | Enable an option)
– the administrator decides on the mandatory information entered through the configuration functions.
– the roles requester and validator are set up only in extended rights.
A request submits the authorization to enter a new product reference into the structure.
Requester Side
– Applications Menu > Chemical Products > Create
The New Product form opens in the panel.
1. Product Tab:
Fill in the different fields. Fields marked with an asterisk* are required.
Manufacturer: input is assisted, enter the first letters to display a list of suggestions.
2. Save
3. SDS Tab > SDS Section:
Upload the SDS with Browse.
In the absence of SDS: Edit > SDS Tab > Check No SDS and select the reason from the dropdown list.
4. Save
5. Product Tab > Subsection Use > > Choose the sending reason (if option enabled) > Send the request
The product request is saved.
It appears in the list under the status Awaiting validation.
The validator is informed of a new product request.
Validator Side
Access the Product Request List:
– Applications Menu > Chemical Products > Risk Analysis > Approval Requests
1. Click on the Status or the Designation to open the product request form which gives access to validation functions.
2. Accept,
Edit or
Delete the request