Use the cart

Cart Management

Hovering over the current cart’s name displays the complete list of created carts and the associated management functions.

Create a new cart

Cart Menu > New Cart

By naming the carts explicitly, it’s easier to distinguish them. It also allows for creating multiple carts per day if necessary.
By default, the last used cart (active cart) is displayed in the top menu.

Fill the cart

In a search window where the cart is available and/or activated:
– you can Add All search results to the cart using the links available at the top and bottom of each table.
– select result by result by ticking in the Cart column on each result line.

Display the list of carts

Cart Menu > List of Carts

The list of carts displays all created carts and their contents.

You can archive a cart that is no longer in use.

By default, the list only displays active carts. The archived cart and its content can be reactivated at any time.

You can also delete the cart, which permanently deletes its content.
Items contained in a cart can be added to the active cart by clicking on

Switch carts

Cart Menu > Cart Name

Select the desired cart’s name from the list to change the active cart.

Exit the cart function

To stop working on the content of a cart:
Click on Reset Search to fully refresh the search window.

Mis à jour le 24 October 2023

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