Processing an approval request

Identify products to be approved

There are several ways to identify uses for which there is a request for approval, depending on one’s role and associated permissions.

Method 1:

From the Product List

Applications Menu > Chemical Products > Products
Select the search criteria associated with product approval:

  • Status: select Pending to know the current requests
  • Hazard Levels: to sort current waits by product hazard level (set in the Workflow)
  • The list of concerned products is displayed. The status column displays as many symbols as requests made for the product. Hovering over it gives the status detail.

Method 2:

From the Use List

Applications Menu > Chemical Products > Risk Analysis > Use and Risks

Method 3:

From the Approval List

Applications Menu > Chemical Products > Risk Analysis > Approval Requests

Method 4:

From the dashboard

The dashboard provides access to requests concerning the products of one’s group and displays the main components of the request.

When the product record is selected, click on the chosen product name to display the Uses section and display the various possible actions:

Respond to an approval request

See the details of an approval request:
Click on the magnifying glass to open the use form and access the evaluation tabs.

Edit an approval request:
Click on to open the Edit this product form.

Accept a use:
Click on to open the approval window which allows, if necessary, to communicate additional instructions.
Click on Accept.

Decline a use:
Click on Decline to refuse the request. It is possible to comment on the refusal which will be included in the request’s history.

Delete a use:
Click on to delete the product use.
Be careful, deleting the use also deletes the history of approvals that may have been made previously.

Consult the history of an approval

Every entry of a product into an approval circuit generates a comprehensive history of actions taken by validators. Click on the status symbol of the product record to open it.

Consult the approval history

Review all processed use requests:
Applications Menu > Chemical Products > Risk Analysis > Approval Requests
An export is available.

Mis à jour le 24 October 2023

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